Teaching and thesis advising

This page provides information on my courses at the University of Stuttgart as well as on the Bachelor and Master theses I advise.

Courses at the University of Stuttgart

For course descriptions, please see our KVV.

  • Semantic Theory (BA) (summer term)
  • Language & Cognition (BA): Introduction to psycholinguistics (winter term)
  • Language Variation (BA): Introduction to sociolinguistics (summer term)
  • Advanced Semantics (various topics, every term)
  • Linguistic Competence (M.Ed. only): Semantics (every term)
  • Research colloquium in syntax, semantics and pragmatics (every term, joint with Prof. Dr. Daniel Hole)

Bachelor and Master theses

I advise theses on topics in semantics, pragmatics, psycholinguistics, prosody and on social meaning. To write a thesis with me, you should ideally have taken at least one course with me so that your thesis can build on the course content.

These guidelines (which are frequently updated) provide information on my expectations regarding the content, organization and mechanics of theses (and term papers) as well as on how I grade theses (and term papers). Please review them carefully if you are thinking of writing a thesis with me. I also go over these guidelines in courses that require a term paper.

You are welcome to develop a research question for your thesis based on your background and interests, as long as I feel comfortable advising a thesis on that topic, but I am also happy to suggest a research question. I generally expect both Bachelor and Master theses to include an original research component, which means that you will collect and analyze production or comprehension data to investigate the research question addressed in your thesis. Theses that investigate the state of the art on a particular research topic include a research proposal.